Advaita Vedanta is a Hindu sādhanā, a path of spiritual discipline and experience, and the oldest extant tradition of the orthodox Hindu school Vedānta, a tradition of interpretation of the Upanishads, the Brahma Sutras, and the Bhagavad Gitā. Wikipedia
ahimsa (Sanskrit) nonviolence
AHIMSA AHIMSA is a San Francisco Bay Area non-profit, nonsectarian foundation. Drawing on both Eastern and Western faith traditions, AHIMSA was founded in 1993 to mark the Centennial of the Chicago Parliament of Religions. The acronym AHIMSA stands for “Agency for Human Interconnectedness through Manifestation of Spiritual Awareness.
ananda (Hindu) bliss, joy, happiness
ātman (Sanskrit) the self or self-existent essence of individuals, as distinct from ego, mind and embodied existence. Wikipedia.
Bakti yoga
Black Kali
brahman – the Absolute reality
bhiksha a meal served to a sadhu or monk when that person visits a devout Hindu household.
bhiksuka one who lives on alms
bhiksuka (Sanskrit) begging. medicant or monk.
darshans ways of seeing, or perspectives on knowing truth and reality
gita (Sanskrit) song, singing, chanted, praised in song
jiva (Sanskrit) living substance, an individual soul
Jnana yoga
Karma yoga
Karmkand rituals and ceremonies
maya (Sanskrit) magic or illusion
Maya (Sanskrit) the goddess of illusion
mendicant (noun) a beggar. member of a mendicant order.
(adjective) given to begging
prasad gift or grace
puja (Sanskrit) the act of worship
Raja yoga
Rinpoche ‘precious one’. honorific title given to important teacher in Tibetan Buddhism tradition.
samsara (Sanskrit) flowing around. the cycle of death and rebirth.
tat tvam asi (Sanskrit) “thou art that”. in Hinduism, the relationship between the Absolute and the individual
Vedas a large body of religious texts originating in ancient India. Composed in Vedic Sanskrit, the texts constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism.
Virgin Mary